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The circus as a tool and humour as a means of communication are the forms of expression of elTioTeo, a tender and provocative clown at the same time.

A sports teacher at first, he began his artistic career by taking up diabolo, acrobatics and clowning as a hobby, deciding later to devote himself entirely to the circus and performing arts.

Trained at the CAU circus school in Granada (2010/2012), at the INEF Granada gymnastics school and at the Lido (Toulouse).  He founded the Cie elTioTeo (himself in 2013) and is currently touring Europe with the show "Surfing the Street" performing in circus and street theatre festivals around the world, winning various awards.

As a clown, he transforms himself in the street, which he falls in love with and which makes him a spontaneous and tireless clown, from endless street improvisations he creates his own style and even his character.

He also trained as a clown and comedian with Alexandre Cohelo (2010), Christophe Tellier and Fanny Giraud (2014), the Nezdames school (2016), Elise Ouvrier (2020), Norbert Abourdarham (2019).
In recent years, he has participated in various cabarets in France with clown and object manipulation acts.


-2011, actor and clown with the company "El Laboratorio Teatro", Granada.

--2009, he founded Trampolin del Sur Company and the show Circo Balkanico.

-2006-2009 juggler in events with IlusionarT, CLGranada...


     I'm currently living between Granada, Toulouse an Barcelona collaborating with different groups of circus,  Estreyarte, Dílar, Grainerie and Lido, Toulouse (training), Mix-art, Toulouse (artistic residence 2014), El Arte del Payaso (Barcelona).




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